
Sign up for white-knuckle fundraising fun

Take part in a zipline challenge and raise much needed funds to support the work of our dedicated volunteers and train more lifesavers across Wales.

In South Wales, conquer the Phoenix Zipline, the world's fastest seated zipline, reaching speeds of up to 70 mph! Or, in North Wales, tackle the unique Aero Explorer, a zip wire rollercoaster hybrid challenge! Follow this link to read more about the challenges available at ZipWorld.

By supporting us, you'll receive a 50% discount off the standard booking fee, all we ask is that you raise a minimum sponsorship.

The zipline challenge was incredible! Despite my fear of heights, it was the perfect opportunity for my partner and me to push our limits for a good cause, raising money in memory of my gran, who valued the importance of learning. My first aid training with St John Ambulance Cymru was invaluable. In today’s world, where healthcare resources are often stretched thin, knowing basic first aid can make a real difference. Overall, the event was a fantastic experience, and I’m so glad I participated! Devkumar B.

Find out more by contacting fundraising@sjacymru.org.uk

Looking for other ways to get involved?

Whatever you enjoy doing and however much time you can commit, there’s a volunteer role for you.

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